
College of Medical Science and Technology

CoMST currently has 60 full-time professors, 45 adjunct professors, and 14 Chair Professors (including 8 academicians from Academia Sinica). The college is also home to 300 undergraduate students and 356 master and Ph.D. students, with international students accounting for 14% of graduate institute enrollment.
Seeking to become the most internationalized and research-oriented college of its kind, the College of Medical Science and Technology has established ten units:
School of Medical Laboratory Science and Biotechnology (B.S. and Master)
Ph.D. Program in Medical Biotechnology
Graduate Institute of Biomedical Informatics (Master and Ph.D.)
Graduate Institute of Cancer Biology and Drug Discovery (Master)
Ph.D. Program for Cancer Molecular Biology and Drug Discovery
Ph.D. Program in Medicine Neuroscience
International Master Program in Medicine Neuroscience
Ph.D. Program for Translational Medicine
International Ph.D. Program for Translational Science
International Center for Health Information Technology
The college focuses on the translation of information and communication technology, biotechnology, biomedical engineering and biomedical informatics into clinical and health care applications. It aims to build up links among industries such as electronics, computers, medical devices and health services. The college established the Center for Translation Medicine to combine the Biorepository Information System with an up-to-date-hospital-level tissue bank, seeking to enhance clinical research conducted with TMU’s affiliated hospitals. This joint biorepository hosts more than 300,000 tissue specimens, and the number continues to grow.