
International talent recruitment
Competitive Pay and Benefits
TMU offers competitive pay and benefits package to individuals interested in pursuing innovative and quality research with us. The flexible pay scale allows us to accommodate international talents from all over the world.
Competitive Pay
- Annual Salaries: Fixed Salary
$28,724USD - $72,066USD
*Estimates amounts depend on currency exchange rates at the time of employment
* Year-End bonus: monthly salary *1.5
* Full insurance coverage including dental, ophthalmology, and pension schemes
* Various allowances, foreign subsidy, and relocation package included in compensation plan
* Returning to the township transportation subsidy

TMU One-Stop Service and International Administrative Service Taskforce
TMU has established the team aims to empower and serve the international talents with questions and resolve doubts between the administrative units, strive to work in coordination with the partner offices and the greater campus community to promote academic success, increase retention, remove barriers associated with languages, and improve the overall faculty experience to help foreign scholars quickly adapt to campus culture.
Academia-Industry Collaboration
From bench to bedside to business, TMU’s fully integrated operation encourages researchers to unlock the potential of their research work.
TMU Biomedical Entrepreneurship Ecosystem
With the full integration of research resources and professional networks, TMU continues to support the work of our researchers through TMU biotechnology cluster to complete the TMU Biomedical Entrepreneurship Ecosystem.
Comprehensive Technology Transfer & Inventor-Friendly Loyalty Sharing
Researchers inspiring to work with industries and businesses will be fully supported by TMU’s specialists in intellectual property, legal compliance and business development to offer guidance and protection. The owner and actor of their ideas will be entitled for 70-85% of the total amount.
Research-Friendly Global Campus
TMU is committed to supporting our faculty members through building a vibrant, international and research-friendly environment for them to shine.
Career Development
Cultivating talents is at the center of what we do. TMU’s career development programs support our faculty members to rise new challenges.
Mentor Program for Foreign Scholars and Young Faculties
TMU runs a mentor program to support foreign scholars and young faculties recently joining the University. Regardless of where you are from or what specialty you have, it is always good to have someone who understands the journey, shares your concerns and provides advices.
Extensive Global Network for Academic Collaboration
TMU works with over 200 universities and research institutions worldwide. Our extensive global network provides diverse resources to support international collaboration.
* Related links:
THEunijobs (Job Post at THEunijobs)
Check TMU International Talent Recruitment webpage buy scanning the QR Code for more information or send your questions to the Office of Human Resources.